Dear Suffering, You Will Not Remain

Why do we as humans struggle to accept suffering?

I truly believe that we know deep down how this world was meant to be. This earth was not created for suffering but our sin broke and cursed it. If the story ended there we would find no hope in suffering. By God’s overwhelming love he has broken the curse of sin and death on the cross. While we still live in the remains of a broken world we can look to a place free of suffering and free of brokenness, and that place is heaven. I once could not accept my suffering and pain because I believe I deserved better. I could not understand why a loving God could allow me to suffer with pain every day. But I was so wrong! God is so loving that he promises not only to walk with us through trials on earth but he promises us an eternity with him, free of pain to those who believe. Now I look at my pain differently, I see it as a beautiful reminder of the broken world God has freed me from.

Dear broken world, you are not my home.

Dear suffering, you will not remain.


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