Through the Eyes of God

Something that I feel isn’t talked about enough relating to chronic health issues is how we see ourselves. Us as humans have all at one point struggled with body image and how we see ourselves. But when you are sick, your mind places that feeling onto how you are seen. I know we all have had moments where we stand in the mirror and pick apart the reflection we see. Having fibromyalgia makes working out more difficult as time goes on so the once fit and muscular body is something that I no longer can maintain. I don’t always have the strength to curl my hair in the morning or do my makeup which can make me feel less than others. But God revealed something tonight that I want to share to anyone who has struggled with this feeling. He reminded me that no matter how I am feeling or how I look, He sees me as beautiful and worthy. While we look at ourselves with judgment He looks at us ,in awe of his beautiful creation. A condition or illness you were born with is in no way apart of your definition. God does not look at me with the label of Fibromyalgia, He looks at me as says, “That is my daughter.” He doesn’t say, “If only she could do more to make herself look better.” He instead says “She is exactly who I created her to be.” He doesn’t say, “My love has lessened for her because she keeps going back to her sinful ways.” No he says, “Daughter come back to me and find peace with me.” While we pick apart ourselves for earthly labels, God sees us only as his sons and daughters. And now I pray restoration over the way you view yourself  and that you would start to view yourself the way God views you, his beautiful and loved child.


The Price of Eternity

After I had fallen asleep last night I woke up suddenly at three in the morning and I would love to share something God has revealed to my heart at this time. As I sat up I felt a wave of overwhelming emotion and I began thinking about what this night was many years ago. Picturing Jesus’ family and friends weeping over the death of not only their closest friend, but the one that had guided them through life and was providing hope. For us we know the end of the story but for them they did not. Everything they believed was shattered as they watched their beloved guider, miracle worker, and friend be killed before their eyes. I am confident that in their hearts they truly believed satan had won at that point. And it made me think of all the times in my heart I have believed satan was winning the battle of my life. Times when everything I believed was shaken where I did not know what was true. So today as many did years before, I have experienced the overwhelming joy and emotion of my savior raising again to not only defeat death but to win the battle of my life against satan. I so often forget the immensity of the price that was paid. In order to understand how much we have been saved from is to think about what life for us would look like if it was not paid. We would have zero hope and our lives would be meaningless. We would be only living to await our eternal punishment and separation from God. We also need to get to a point where we believe we deserve forever in hell on our own without Jesus, which is a very hard thing to accept. Something that has taken me years to truly accept because my sin nature wants me to believe I am excluded from the people who deserve it. But once you truly understand these things you will look at this victory as so much more than someone dying for us to go to heaven. You will get on your hands and knees praising Jesus for doing something he did not deserve to go through or need to do. 

So if you are reading this I encourage you to get on your knees or in your heart express praise to the perfect one who died a non perfect death in your place. 
