Time With Jesus<3

Hi I have not posted in a bit and wanted to share what my relationship with God looks like In my every day life. I have something called the 5 minute rule which means even if my time with Jesus is 5 minutes it is better than none. But recently I have had time to sit down and just study the word of God. I used to struggle with keeping the passion in my heart to read his word. But I am not at a point where I sit back sometimes and just marvel at his words and even the world around me. I usually start with a prayer over the time and that God would reveal himself through his word. Then I read a chapter from selection either based on what I need or want to study more. Then I close with worship and prayer and reflection. On days I do not feel like opening my Bible I listen to a sermon or podcast. We are living in a time where scripture and worship songs are so conveniently accessible. I believe if I want to be truly used for the Lord I must equip myself along with wanting to be more like Jesus which requires studying who he is. 

If you haven’t picked up a Bible for a while or never I can confidently say it will change your life. 


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